University of Sheffield confers honorary title to MAHE professor



The President and the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sheffield, UK, have conferred the title of Honorary Professor to Raghu Radhakrishnan, Director of International Collaborations, and Professor of Oral Pathology at Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal, with effect from 1 May 2022.

A release here said the University of Sheffield is one of the original red brick universities and a founding member of the prestigious Russell Group. MAHE Pro Chancellor H.S. Ballal said the honour for Dr. Radhakrishnan was a moment of great pride and joy for the university.

Dr. Radhakrishnan is the recipient of the prestigious Wellcome Trust DBT India Alliance Fellowship for his work on ‘The Epithelial Reprogramming of Hox genes by epigenetic mechanisms and its implications to oral cancer’. The discovery of how developmentally regulated genes impact cancer driver genes by epigenetic mechanisms will be the outcome of the study. He is the first dentist in the country to be awarded the Wellcome Trust DBT IA fellowship with an award of ₹3.55 crore for five years.

As an intermediate India Alliance fellow, he will work outside the host institution for a year with his mentor Keith D. Hunter with whom he was successful in securing the Marie Curie Fellowship in the year 2013. Together they have published 14 research papers and secured two funded research projects.


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