Ahead of crash with asteroid, NASA’s DART captures image of Jupiter and four moons

Ahead of crash with asteroid, NASA’s DART captures image of Jupiter and four moons

While on its path to crash into Dimorphos to test a planetary defence technique, NASA’s DART spacecraft captured an image of Jupiter and its four large moons. Ahead of its September 26 encounter with the Didymos asteroid system, the spacecraft’s DRACO (Didymos Reconnaissance and Asteroid Camera for Optical) has captured thousands of stars and other […]

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NASA’s DART: Humanity’s first planetary defence system test

NASA’s DART: Humanity’s first planetary defence system test

NASA’s DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) spacecraft is scheduled to crash into the asteroid Dimorphos at approximately 7.14 PM EDT on September 26 (4.44 AM IST on September 27). The mission will test a method that could be used to redirect asteroids that pose a threat to our planet. Using the impact of a massive […]

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