Kerala emerging as breeding ground for Islamic terrorists under LDF rule: J.P. Nadda



Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan responsible for covering up Union government’s aid for State, says BJP leader

Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan responsible for covering up Union government’s aid for State, says BJP leader

Flaying Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan for his alleged attempts to cover up the Union government’s welfare aid to Kerala, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) national president J. P. Nadda on Friday said the State was emerging as a breeding ground for Islamic terrorists under the Left Democratic Front (LDF) administration with its political patronage for killers.

Addressing a mass rally of BJP workers on the Kozhikode beach, the BJP leader alleged that society was becoming uncomfortable with the vast changes in its demography in Kerala under a government which was fostering the policy of divided rule.

“Religious communities, especially the Christians in the State, are very uncomfortable with the changing situations. Concerns have already been raised with regard to issues such as narcotic jihad,” said Mr. Nadda.

Quoting the latest figures of the National Crime Records Bureau, he pointed out that Kerala was witnessing a strange growth in its crime rates under the rule of the LDF government which was upholding only pseudo-secularism.

Describing the nature and the number of organised political killings in the State, the BJP leader said Kerala was witnessing political patronage for murderers. Citing two recent murders in the State as examples, he said political vendetta of the Pinarayi Vijayan government was making minority communities and political parties unsettled.

Listing out the details of development projects the Union government realised for the State, Mr. Nadda said the ‘political spectacles’ of Pinarayi Vijayan was not allowing him to accept the facts. From basic infrastructure development to poverty alleviation, Kerala was one of the biggest beneficiaries of various central schemes that changed the conditions of the State, he said.

“There were occasions when the country had to wait for decades and centuries for getting preventive vaccines for various infectious diseases. The situation has changed with the entry of the Narendra Modi government,” said Mr. Nadda who also explained the role played by the country in fighting diseases across the world with its own vaccine supply.

It was during the NDA government’s period that about 12% of those in the Below Poverty Line category improved their living and reached the Above Poverty Line category, he recalled.

BJP State president K. Surendran presided over the event. National and State leaders of the party were also present to lead the rally that culminated on the Kozhikode beach.


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