Interest in e-vehicles high: survey



Initial data from an ongoing consumer survey by the Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) shows that 55.78% of the people surveyed are interested in buying and using an e-vehicle.

The online survey, whose initial results were announced on Thursday at a review of the State’s power sector after having covered 41,739 consumers, will continue over the next two months.

With regard to redressal of complaints regarding power supply/billing, 50.6% stated that the complaints were addressed within two hours, 13.08% responded that it took over 12 hours, 42.42% dialled 1912 – the toll-free number of the KSEB – for registering their complaints and 57.58% used other numbers.

While 60.36% were ‘very satisfied’ with the complaints redressal mechanism, 15.10% found it ‘satisfactory’ and 24.54% ‘unsatisfactory.’ Nearly 56.40% responded that they never had to contact the KSEB even once in the past two months regarding power disruption/ billing/ other complaints.

When 60.19% responded that they were very satisfied with the KSEB power supply during the past two months, 26.22% responded in the negative.

A majority of the surveyed consumers were aware of the doorstep delivery of services launched by the KSEB, only 22.40% have made use of it, 43.61% have not used the service so far and 33.99% were not aware of it.


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