Food safety squad raids 27 firms in Kozhikode



As part of intensified vigil against food poisoning and unhygienic handling of food items, food safety squads conducted surprise checks at 27 hotels in Kozhikode district on Friday. Owners of nine units were fined.

A local merchant from Augustianmuzhi who reportedly put on sale decayed fish too was exposed by the squad. He had no trade licence. The outlet was sealed and the stock destroyed.

Officials said five eateries were shut in Kozhikode district on Friday after serious violations were detected. Inspections were held at Feroke, Madavoor, Mukkom, Mavoor, and Elathur.

The squad has inspected 117 units in the district so far. A total of 10 shops were sealed. Compounding fee was collected from 35 outlet owners. 


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