₹88-crore project for Kollam ESIC hospital

₹88-crore project for Kollam ESIC hospital


A ₹88-crore project will be implemented for the comprehensive development of ESIC Model Hospital, Asramam, and a decision in this regard has been taken at a high-level meeting convened by ESIC Director General Rajendra Kumar at New Delhi.

“Earlier, a ₹26-crore project was being considered to construct more floors in the existing building. But the new ₹88.21- crore project includes renovation of the existing building, construction of more floors and structural strengthening,” said N.K.Premachandran, MP, on Wednesday.

Various facilities including a solar system to ensure hot water, waste treatment plant, CCTV surveillance, RO plant for clean drinking water, softener plant for the removal of harmful iron, calcium and magnesium from drinking water, incinerator, modular operation theatre, illuminated boards, Theatre Sterile Surgical Unit (TSSU) and Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) will be set up at the hospital as part of the new project.

In order to solve parking issues, one of the major problems at the hospital, a multilevel parking complex will be built. A special committee has been formed by the Director General to ensure timely implementation of the project. The only super-speciality hospital run by the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation in the State, the facility is expected to undergo a major upgradation with improved infrastructure and state-of-the-art equipment.

Mr. Premachandran, Chief Engineer Lt. Col. Kanal Mandal and Insurance Commissioner C.V Joseph attended the meeting.

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