The Film Exhibitors United Organisation of Kerala (FEUOK) on Tuesday recommended that the OTT streaming of movies released in cinemas must be extended from the present gap of 42 days to 56 days from the Onam festival season. The suggestion will be placed before the Kerala Film Chamber of Commerce for follow-up action.
A meeting of the executive committee of the organisation held here stated that the decision to extend the window period of OTT release was taken in view of the rapid fall in the number of cinegoers coming to watch Malayalam movies in cinemas.
Norms violation
FEUOK president K. Vijayakumar said the audiences were staying away as they realise that the movies would be screened in the OTT platforms without delay. Some of the production houses had violated the current agreement of OTT release after 42 days of the theatre release by releasing it in the digital platforms early. “We will not cooperate with such companies flouting the agreement,” he said.
Mr. Vijayakumar said cinema theatres affiliated to the organisation would also stay away from releasing the movies of actors who prefer releasing their movies in the OTT platforms instead of going for a theatre premiere. They should not forget the truth that they made it big in the industry only through the release of their movies in cinema theatres, he said.
The theatre owners pointed out that the decline in the footfall had adversely affected their prospects, especially after going through a financial crisis induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. We have also requested the government to reduce the entertainment tax on movie tickets, they said.