WhatsApp recently added a feature that allows users to react to messages with emoji, just like other Meta-owned social media platforms like Instagram. Currently, you can react to WhatsApp messages with a choice of six different emojis. But according to WaBetaInfo, that is set to change with WhatsApp reportedly testing a feature which will give users access to the entire library of emojis to react to messages.
Currently, Meta-owned Instagram and Messenger allow users to react to messages with a similar set of six emojis. But on both those platforms, there is a “plus” symbol at the end of the array of emojis. Once a user clicks on that, they can then react to the message with any emoji from the full emoji library.
WaBetaInfo had initially reported on some references to a similar ability when reactions to messages was initially rolled out to WhatsApp beta for Android, but wasn’t yet able to confirm it until now. But with the WhatsApp beta for Android update, the option to select any emoji from the entire library is clearly visible.
Screen recordings obtained by the WhatsApp information portal show how users can click on the plus symbol right next to the array of emojis in order to access the full emoji library.
Recently, the instant messaging service was seen testing a feature that would allow users to view WhatsApp Status updates right from within the chat. This was another feature that seemed to come directly from Instagram. Once that update gets a wider rollout, users will no longer have to go to the “Status” tab to view others’ stories. This could potentially push more users toward viewing status updates on WhatsApp. While many of WhatsApp’s recent updates and features seemed to be aimed at increasing user privacy and security, some, like the emoji reaction and the stories from chat feature, seemed to be aimed at increasing user engagement.
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