Visakhapatnam: there are only about 3,150 wolves in the country at present, says expert

Visakhapatnam: there are only about 3,150 wolves in the country at present, says expert


On the occasion of International Wolf Day, Indira Gandhi Zoological Park organised a webinar on ‘Issue and Challenges for Conservation of Wolf,’ here on Saturday. Director, Wildlife Research and Conservation Awareness Centre, Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur, Hem Singh Gehlot, said that there are only about 3,150 wolves in India at present and they will become endangered like tigers in the near future. Wolves are described in terms of their habitats, morphology and behaviour. He said that the main reason for the decrease in the number of wolves is the overconsumption of livestock, which is the main food for wolves. Later, keepers’ talk was held at the wolf enclosure. The animal keeper explained to the visitors about the wolf pair Yuvraj and Avantika in the Indira Gandhi Zoological Park.

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