Staged by the Bengaluru-based theatre group Picture Wicture Productions, the plays have a common thread of patriotism
Staged by the Bengaluru-based theatre group Picture Wicture Productions, the plays have a common thread of patriotism
Theatre is not bound by language or State and that is what the team behind Picture Wicture Productions believe with Raag: Desh, comprising three plays — Dhanyi Nobelchor: (Hail the Nobel Thief) written by Tanumay Datta and directed by Biplab Kundu; Je jon ache …(In the Middle), directed by Bodhisatta Sarkar; and Swadhinotar Swapno (Dreams of Liberty), written and directed by Tanumay.
Although the three plays are in Bengali, Tanumay says non-Bengali speakers can also enjoy the plays. There will be live music, choreography and mime, which goes beyond the boundaries of language. Besides this, the theme is Indian and everyone will be able to relate to what is happening on stage.”
The directors of the three plays
| Photo Credit: Special Arrangement
Tanumay founded Picture Wicture Production with Bodhisatta Sarkar, Biplab Kundu, Kaushik Mukherjee, Pavel Sen Gupta and Abir Bose during the lockdown. “We started online with each of us connecting virtually, and made three short films during the lockdowns. Once things settled down, we decided to meet offline and start staging plays too.”
Raag: Desh talks about our concept of our country, says Tanumay. “It looks at our history and the goals we set for ourselves post Independence. The plays question how much of the goals have we been able to achieve till date.”
Raag: Desh will be staged on August 27 at Ravindra Kalakshetra at 4 pm and 6 pm. Tickets will be available at the venue and on