Prime Video has acquired two new DC animated Batman series, alongside an original animated film from Warner Bros. Animation and DC. The film Merry Little Batman is ordered with a spinoff series, Bat-Family, along with a two-season order for Batman: Caped Crusader, from executive producers Bruce Timm, J.J. Abrams, and Matt Reeves.
Batman: Caped Crusader is a reimagining of the Batman mythology through the lens of executive producers Bruce Timm, J.J. Abrams, and Matt Reeves. In addition to Timm, Abrams, and Reeves, Ed Brubaker and Sam Register are set to executive produce the series. Based on characters from DC, Batman: Caped Crusader is produced by Warner Bros. Animation, Bad Robot Productions, and 6th & Idaho.
Merry Little Batman is an animated family action comedy destined to join the rogue’s gallery of classic holiday movies. When young Damian Wayne finds himself alone in Wayne Manor on Christmas Eve, he must transform into “Little Batman’‘ in order to defend his home and Gotham City from the crooks and supervillains intent on destroying the holidays. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation and based on characters from DC, Merry Little Batman is directed by Mike Roth (Regular Show) from a screenplay by Morgan Evans (Teen Titans Go!). Roth also serves as executive producer, alongside Sam Register.
Following the events of Merry Little Batman, Bat-Family follows Batman, Alfred, and young Damian Wayne—who has now taken on the mantle of Little Batman—alongside a few newcomers to Wayne Manor, as they navigate the fun and frustrations of life as a super family. Jase Ricci, Mike Roth, and Sam Register are set to executive produce the series, which is produced by Warner Bros. Animation.