Telegram founder Pavel Durov recently took to the platform to announce the future of Telegram and the release of a paid, subscription service called Telegram Premium. The premium version of the popular messaging service will be rolling out later this month, Durov said, adding that it will help Telegram be funded “primarily by its users, not advertisers.”
The feature-packed instant messaging app that also allows users to make voice and video calls, send across large files along with many other abilities will continue to be free for regular users, Durov added, stating that only power users who need more features and larger capacities will have to invest in Telegram Premium.
“Not to worry though: all existing features remain free, and there are plenty of new free features coming. Moreover, even users who don’t subscribe to Telegram Premium will be able to enjoy some of its benefits: for example, they will be able to view extra-large documents, media and stickers sent by Premium users, or tap to add Premium reactions already pinned to a message to react in the same way,” Durov said in the blog post.
Telegram was launched in 2013 and has been free for all its users for the last nine years, but Durov suggests that bringing more features and abilities to Telegram for all users would make the platform’s server and traffic costs “unmanageable”.
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While we still don’t know what are the exact perks that Telegram Premium will offer over the regular app, Durov does mention the subscription plan to be one that “allows anyone to acquire additional features, speed and resources.” Previous reports have suggested that the subscription will include exclusive animated stickers, emojis and a larger file-sharing limit. Telegram Premium users will also be the first to receive new features coming to the platform.
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Premium features like sending extra-large documents, media and stickers will only be available to paid subscribers, but even non-Premium users will be able to access these documents, media and stickers if they’re sent the same by a Premium user.
We should know more details about Telegram Premium, including pricing, when the subscription service launches later this month.
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