A look at the most common types of WhatsApp scams and how to avoid them

A look at the most common types of WhatsApp scams and how to avoid them

Getting a lot of work-from-home job offers on WhatsApp lately, with a salary of Rs 20,000 for just a day’s work? If your first thought was that it’s too good to be true, then you’re right. These texts are nothing but a part of an increasingly popular campaign by fraudsters designed to steal your money. […]

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5 WhatsApp tricks on Android that you need to know about

5 WhatsApp tricks on Android that you need to know about

WhatsApp is one of the most popular communication tools around the globe and while the app is fairly simple to use for newcomers from the get-go, there are some neat features tucked inside its Settings menu. These can enhance your overall experience, by letting you upload better quality pictures to peeking into groups secretly and […]

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