Violence against women, girls perpetrated by terrorists remains rampant: India at UNSC

Violence against women, girls perpetrated by terrorists remains rampant: India at UNSC

India has told the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) that violence perpetrated by terrorists against women and girls remains rampant and should be strongly condemned while calling for the adoption of a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of terrorism. India’s Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj said on March 7 that Member States […]

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UNFPA, TechGig organise Hackathon to tackle gender based violence; here’s how to apply

UNFPA, TechGig organise Hackathon to tackle gender based violence; here’s how to apply

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) India and TechGig have teamed up to launch a hackathon — Crack the Code to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence. This hackathon is being organised with the aim of strengthening efforts to raise awareness and find solutions against gender based violence (GBV). Candidates interested in the hackathon can visit […]

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Kerala: Students to be taught ‘study of laws’ in school curriculum

Kerala: Students to be taught ‘study of laws’ in school curriculum

The Kerala government is considering including study of certain laws, like those related to use of narcotic substances, environment pollution, cyber crimes and offences against women, as part of school curriculum so that children are aware of their rights and how to safeguard the same. State General Education Minister V Sivankutty said that presently Constitutional […]

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