Dance-theatre production ‘Otta-Nilanilppinte Prathishedham’ discusses the resilience of the oppressed through characters from the Mahabharata

Dance-theatre production ‘Otta-Nilanilppinte Prathishedham’ discusses the resilience of the oppressed through characters from the Mahabharata

‘Otta-Nilanilppinte Prathishedham’ will be staged by Thudippu – A Human Collective at Kerala Arts and Crafts Village in Thiruvananthapuram ‘Otta-Nilanilppinte Prathishedham’ will be staged by Thudippu – A Human Collective at Kerala Arts and Crafts Village in Thiruvananthapuram When you are pushed to the edge, you resist. How resilience becomes a tool for survival is […]

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