Here’s what Cyrus Broacha has to say about the Ranveer Allahbadia controversy

Here’s what Cyrus Broacha has to say about the Ranveer Allahbadia controversy

Satheesh Vellinezhi | Photo Credit: Satheesh Vellinezhi People, please stop it! I beg you. I know you are probably saying the same thing to me, ‘stop writing’, that is. Please understand, before I deal with your ‘stop it’, you must also promise to deal with my ‘stop it’. Okay, before you start sulking, let’s address […]

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In which Cyrus Broacha warns you of the perils of a New Year

In which Cyrus Broacha warns you of the perils of a New Year

Illustration: Satheesh Vellinezhi | Photo Credit: Satheesh Vellinezhi Enough of the New Year. It’s done. Please don’t mention it. We can’t go on like this, discussing the New Year into February. January 10 is the cut-off date. After this date, anyone referring to the New Year, who is not actually involved with central or local governance […]

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Cyrus Broacha’s personal security solutions for Mumbai

Cyrus Broacha’s personal security solutions for Mumbai

People, please forgive me. This article is going to be replete with typos. I know, normally we have a 30% typo average, but I warn you this one may be over 50%. Hey, hang on a minute, there’s a reason for this. Let me explain. In case, I’ve spelt, explain incorrectly, try and rejig the dots. Oh, […]

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Cyrus Broacha’s guide to voting in South Mumbai

Cyrus Broacha’s guide to voting in South Mumbai

Satheesh Vellinezhi | Photo Credit: Satheesh Vellinezhi I think, the time has come to reveal the true potential of this column. When I think back to my original conversation with the editor, her first question to me still rings true. “Who are you”, she had inquired. It’s a question I often ask myself, especially when […]

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Cyrus Broacha decodes Deepavali at Mumbai’s Malabar Hill

Cyrus Broacha decodes Deepavali at Mumbai’s Malabar Hill

Satheesh Vellinezhi | Photo Credit: Satheesh Vellinezhi Let’s call this Dipawalee special. I prefer Dipawalee to Diwalee, because it’s a longer word, and since I have lots of free time, I need a longer word to help me kill time. See how cunning I am? I added an extra ‘e’ to Dipawalee, I could have […]

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Here is why anyone over the age of 50 needs a younger millennial manager 

Here is why anyone over the age of 50 needs a younger millennial manager 

Satheesh Vellinezhi | Photo Credit: Satheesh Vellinezhi You will think I deserve a medal — a gold one, not a silver or bronze. I mean, it doesn’t have to be real gold. Ultimately, as Sage Vyasa put it, “it’s the thought that counts.” Arrey, see there you go. You guys have started this again. Talking […]

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Where Cyrus Broacha traces the roots of All Fools Day  

Where Cyrus Broacha traces the roots of All Fools Day  

Satheesh Vellinezhi | Photo Credit: Satheesh Vellinezhi I’m gobsmacked, stunned, super upset, scared and nauseous. And no, this time it wasn’t from watching Big Boss. Once I tell you why I’m afraid, you too, dear readers, will be inconsolable, distraught, a complete wreck. Actually, now that I mention it, I really shouldn’t say, I mean, […]

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What made The Rotary Club of Madras (East) invite Cyrus Broacha to Chennai

What made The Rotary Club of Madras (East) invite Cyrus Broacha to Chennai

Satheesh Vellinezhi | Photo Credit: Satheesh Vellinezhi By the time you read this, (I’m presuming you are reading this, pardon please), I will be in the beautiful city of Chennai. Let me explain what happened. A couple of months ago, I got a text which said ‘Who are you?’ This is a common occurrence on […]

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