Luna-Terra crash: A brief history of failed algorithmic stablecoins

Luna-Terra crash: A brief history of failed algorithmic stablecoins

The stunning fall of the Terra stablecoin made the overall crypto market unstable, wiping out more than $200 billion in the space. The value of Luna Terra plunged about 80 per cent, making the coins now almost worthless. It should be noted that stablecoins work on the supply and demand game. Any stable coin that […]

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Luna-Terra crash: A brief history of failed algorithmic stablecoins

Redistribution to Burning: Everything you need to know about Do Kwon’s Terra-Luna revival plan

Terra-Luna coins have been blacklisted by several crypto exchanges, including Binance and Coinbase after the staggering loss investors faced when the supply-demand ratio of the algorithmically designed stablecoins broke.  Do Kwon, CEO and co-founder of Terra Labs has finally spoken on the crash of Terra-Luna stablecoins. The CEO is looking for a revival plan to […]

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