Tamil Nadu’s young organic farmers forge new paths

Tamil Nadu’s young organic farmers forge new paths

Farmer’s friend Organic farming often requires round-the-clock work. This is apart from extra care in the form of natural inputs added to the soil to aid in crop growth. V Dharani Vendhan makes the process easier for farmers by concocting these soil inputs himself. The 33-year-old is based in Aarani in Tiruvannamalai district and has […]

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Three Tamil Nadu farmers retailing farm-fresh value-added products

Three Tamil Nadu farmers retailing farm-fresh value-added products

With large FMCGs in India being questioned about misleading labels and the high sugar content in their products, the spotlight is back on the Indian farmer. The pandemic did bring about a mindset to eat clean and buy directly from the source, but recent headlines have urged more people to take the natural route. We […]

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