Rapper Iykki Berry’s new single celebrates Tamil pride and Thanjavur

Rapper Iykki Berry’s new single celebrates Tamil pride and Thanjavur

Iykki Berry in ‘Ithihasam’ | Photo Credit: special arrangement Iykki Berry’s alter ego oscillates between two personalities: that of the “funky, vibe-y, cute-sy, effervescent Barbie”, and the “stubborn, bold, raw and rooted queen”. When one of these personalities takes over, the words write themselves. Her new single ‘Ithihasam’ taps into the latter. The rapper and […]

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Cheer for Chennai’s musicians: How Tamil independent music is on the right track

Cheer for Chennai’s musicians: How Tamil independent music is on the right track

The performance space at DakshinaChitra, located in Chennai’s ECR, is lit up. As the sea breeze amps up the nip in the air, MS Krsna begins to strum his guitar. The performance is as engaging as it is unique. He chats about the number of dosas that he thinks his grandmother would have made in […]

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