Eerie image shows spectacular aftermath of a large star’s death

Eerie image shows spectacular aftermath of a large star’s death

The aftermath of a large star’s explosive death is seen in an image released on Monday by the European Southern Observatory, showing immense filaments of brightly shining gas that was blasted into space during the supernova. Before exploding at the end of its life cycle, the star is believed to have had a mass at […]

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Stars give warnings when they are about to explode in a supernova

Stars give warnings when they are about to explode in a supernova

Astronomers from the Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) and the University of Montpellier have created an “early warning” system that can alert astronomers when a massive star is about to end its life in supernova explosion. In the last phase of their lives, these massive “red supergiant” stars will become around a hundred times fainter. […]

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