Cinematographer Nagesh Banell talks about ‘Masooda’: Every horror movie need not be dark and brooding

Cinematographer Nagesh Banell talks about ‘Masooda’: Every horror movie need not be dark and brooding

Nagesh Banell, cinematographer of the recent Telugu horror drama Masooda, recalls the after-effects of watching Darren Aranofsky’s psychological drama Requiem for a Dream. “I watched it during the day, at home, and soon after I stepped out to the balcony to take in some sunlight,” he says while explaining how the screenplay, the characters and […]

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‘Masooda’ movie review: Thiruveer, Sangitha shoulder a middling horror drama

‘Masooda’ movie review: Thiruveer, Sangitha shoulder a middling horror drama

Thiruveer, Bandhavi Sridhar and Sangitha in Telugu horror drama ‘Masooda’ At the fag end of Masooda, a character says she does not completely believe in the story she has just heard. That voices what many in the audience might be thinking too. The search for the truth in the third act attempts to solve a […]

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Producer Rahul Yadav and debut writer-director Sai Kiran exude confidence as their Telugu movie ‘Masooda’ gears up for release

Producer Rahul Yadav and debut writer-director Sai Kiran exude confidence as their Telugu movie ‘Masooda’ gears up for release

Sangitha and newcomer Bandhavi Sridhar in the Telugu horror drama ‘Masooda’ | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement The Arabic word Masooda denotes a happy, fortunate or good woman. Writer and first-time director Sai Kiran thought this word would be an apt title for his Telugu film. “Masooda is the name of an intriguing character in our […]

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