Under a Thousand: A basic sketch and scribbler from Redmi

Under a Thousand: A basic sketch and scribbler from Redmi

Mention the word ‘tablet’ and there’s a fair chance the geek squad will think you are referring to the iPad and its Android competitors. However, not all tablets come with five-figure price tags. In fact, the most basic of them are available for under Rs 500 and are extremely popular too. We are talking of […]

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Redmi launches ‘Writing Pad’, a digital version of the slate: Here’s what it does

Redmi launches ‘Writing Pad’, a digital version of the slate: Here’s what it does

Redmi recently added another device to its portfolio – the Redmi Writing Pad, a digital take on the good old slate. The writing tablet features an 8.5-inch Polymer LCD screen and comes in black. It is an eco-friendly solution if you are someone who often takes notes, makes to-do lists and like writing and sketching.  […]

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