Perseverance rover unearths clues about Martian geology and water history

Perseverance rover unearths clues about Martian geology and water history

Scientists anticipate that the rock samples collected by NASA’s Perseverance rover will provide a timeline for the planet’s geologic and water history. But they will have to wait an entire decade before the samples can be brought back from the red planet as part of the Mars Sample Return Campaign that is scheduled for 2033. […]

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NASA’s Perseverance Rover scouting landing zones for spacecraft to return samples to Earth

NASA’s Perseverance Rover scouting landing zones for spacecraft to return samples to Earth

Along with its many science tasks, NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover is also conducting another important duty: scouting for locations where the planned Mars Sample Return (MSR) Campaign can land. The rover is looking for sites that are relatively flat and have lander-friendly terrain. MSR is an ambitious mission planned by NASA that will involve a […]

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‘Enchanted Lake’ on Mars: Why it is the best spot to look for signs of life

‘Enchanted Lake’ on Mars: Why it is the best spot to look for signs of life

NASA has shared images of the “Enchanted Lake” on Mars, where scientists believe that the Perseverance rover could find the first evidence of extraterrestrial life. The Enchanted Lake is a rocky outcrop, informally named after a landmark in an Alaskan National Park. The image was captured by the rover’s Hazard Avoidance Cameras (Hazcams) on April […]

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Space news this week: ‘Signs of aliens’, cosmic cannibalism and the fastest-growing black hole

Space news this week: ‘Signs of aliens’, cosmic cannibalism and the fastest-growing black hole

China said it may have detected signs of alien civilisations China said that its massive Giant Eye telescope may have picked up signs of alien civilisations, according to a report by the state-backed Science and Technology Daily. The publication later appeared to have deleted reports and posts about the discovery but not before it began […]

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