Nothing Phone (1) back in stock in black, white colours: Check new price, other details

Nothing Phone (1) back in stock in black, white colours: Check new price, other details

After not being available to buy for a while and going through a price bump, the Nothing phone (1) is now available on Flipkart once again. While the company does mention that “all Phone (1) models are available” now, one of the top end models is still “sold out” as of writing this story. Here […]

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Nothing phone (1) easy to scratch but hard to break, reveals durability test

Nothing phone (1) easy to scratch but hard to break, reveals durability test

Nothing launched its first smartphone, the Nothing phone (1) last month following months of hype. The phone has been met with a lot of positive reactions for its experience-oriented approach and unique design, but remains plagued by various hardware-related issues for many. This includes a green-tint issue on the display, dust accumulation and even problems […]

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