Iconic Broadway musical West Side Story will be performed at India’s Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre, Mumbai

Iconic Broadway musical West Side Story will be performed at India’s Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre, Mumbai

WESTSIDE STORY, DUESBURG, 2022, Credit: Johan Persson | Photo Credit: Johan Persson The Grand Theatre at Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC), Mumbai, is all set to reverberate with rich and visually entreating sounds and sights of the Grammy and Tony Award-winning Broadway musical West Side Story. Directed by American director Lonny Price, this modern-day […]

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After NMACC in Mumbai, Delhi to get a new cultural address

After NMACC in Mumbai, Delhi to get a new cultural address

The architectural model of KNMA new cultural centre | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement Close on the heels of the opening of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai, Delhi is set to get the country’s largest state-of-the-art cultural centre. The architectural model of the Kiran Nadar Museum of Art (KNMA) was unveiled last weekend […]

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On a world stage: Inside the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai

On a world stage: Inside the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai

‘The Grand Theatre’, dazzling centerpiece of the NMACC. Photo: Special Arrangement Beyond the National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA), The Royal Opera House, Prithvi Theatre and assorted spaces — each with its nostalgic associations and strengths — Mumbai has craved a cutting-edge, world-class cultural centre for years. Well, that gap has finally been plugged, […]

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