NASA aims for Saturday launch of new moon rocket after fixes

NASA aims for Saturday launch of new moon rocket after fixes

NASA is counting down toward a Saturday launch of its new moon rocket, its second attempt in a week NASA is counting down toward a Saturday launch of its new moon rocket, its second attempt in a week NASA aimed for a Saturday launch of its new moon rocket, after fixing fuel leaks and working […]

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NASA to make second attempt at debut moon rocket launch on Sept. 3

NASA to make second attempt at debut moon rocket launch on Sept. 3

If all goes as hoped, NASA’s giant next-generation moon rocket SLS will blast off from the Kennedy Space Centre in Cape Canaveral, Florida, on September 3 afternoon If all goes as hoped, NASA’s giant next-generation moon rocket SLS will blast off from the Kennedy Space Centre in Cape Canaveral, Florida, on September 3 afternoon NASA […]

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