JNTBGRI researchers unravel the mystery behind the ‘shooting’ droplets from Theepacha

JNTBGRI researchers unravel the mystery behind the ‘shooting’ droplets from Theepacha

The leafhopper Aloka depressa perched on a leaf. | Photo Credit: Special arrangement Researchers at the Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI) may have figured out the secret behind the water droplets that keep drizzling from the Diploclisia glaucescens, a liana or woody vine known locally as the ‘Theepacha.’ Call it the […]

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State Biodiversity Board announces Haritha Gramam project to propagate local plant varieties and conserve endangered species

State Biodiversity Board announces Haritha Gramam project to propagate local plant varieties and conserve endangered species

Scheme to be implemented through biodiversity management committees of local bodies Scheme to be implemented through biodiversity management committees of local bodies At a time when rapid urbanisation and other forms of human activities are posing a threat to plant biodiversity, the Kerala State Biodiversity Board (KSBB) is making an effort to conserve and popularise […]

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