Digging Deep: Multiple comparisons exist between modern and ancient human genomes, reveals study

Digging Deep: Multiple comparisons exist between modern and ancient human genomes, reveals study

Ancient DNA (aDNA) from fossil remains continues to shed light on how neuropsychiatric disorders prevalent in modern-day human populations may have originated when modern humans split from neanderthals approximately 500 kya. Writing  in Neuropsychopharmacology, Michael Gregory and Karen Berman from the National Institutes of Health bring together multiple comparisons between modern and ancient human genomes […]

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Pivotal evolutionary change helped pave the way for human speech

Pivotal evolutionary change helped pave the way for human speech

Scientists have identified evolutionary modifications in the voice box distinguishing people from other primates that may underpin a capability indispensable to humankind – speaking. Researchers said on Thursday an examination of the voice box, known as the larynx, in 43 species of primates showed that humans differ from apes and monkeys in lacking an anatomical […]

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