Stunning close-up of Mercury captured by European-Japanese BepiColombo

Stunning close-up of Mercury captured by European-Japanese BepiColombo

The BepiColombo mission, a collaboration between the European Space Agency (ESA) and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) captured this beautiful image of Mercury’s crater-marked surface as the spacecraft flew close to the planet for a gravity assist manoeuvre. The closest approach of our second #MercuryFlyby is happening now! 🛰🌑⤴️#️⃣2️⃣ #staytuned for images later today! […]

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Beautiful images created using retired telescope data reveals space dust mysteries

Beautiful images created using retired telescope data reveals space dust mysteries

New images that use data from retired ESA (European Space Agency) and NASA missions show the dust that fills the space between stars in four galaxies closest to our own Milky Way. The striking pictures also lend insights into how dramatically the density of dust clouds can vary within a galaxy. Cosmic dust has a […]

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NASA and ESA create 16-member Mars Sample Return Campaign Science group

NASA and ESA create 16-member Mars Sample Return Campaign Science group

NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) have established a new group of researchers in a bid to maximise the scientific potential of Mars rock and sediment samples that would be returned to earth for in-depth analysis. The team of 16 researchers will be called the ‘Mars Sample Return Campaign Science Group’ and will function […]

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