Cyrus Boracha decodes bathroom politics in marriages

Cyrus Boracha decodes bathroom politics in marriages

Satheesh Vellinezhi | Photo Credit: Satheesh Vellinezhi Folks, I don’t understand why couples can’t come clean about this? I mean, I can’t believe no government, legal authority, building panchayat, not even local ticket collectors or class monitors have tackled the subject. The amazing thing is you and I think about it all the time. Okay, […]

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In which Cyrus explores the possibility of becoming an overnight film star

In which Cyrus explores the possibility of becoming an overnight film star

Folks, today’s discussion is going to be a little personal. Of course, I use the word discussion, but it’s only me doing the pontification. I mean you, dear reader, can write to the editor, (and your letters are welcome, even though we don’t actually read them), however, its just one point of view that must […]

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