Cauvery in spate, more than 600 persons moved to camps in Erode

Cauvery in spate, more than 600 persons moved to camps in Erode

With River Cauvery in spate as 1.95 lakh cusecs of surplus water is being discharged from the Stanley Reservoir in Mettur, more than 280 houses located on the banks of the river at Bhavani, Erode and Kodumudi were flooded. A total of 187 families comprising 622 persons, were moved to relief centres in the district […]

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As unprecedented flow continues in Cauvery, focus turns to how much more Tamil Nadu will get

As unprecedented flow continues in Cauvery, focus turns to how much more Tamil Nadu will get

With the unprecedented flow continuing in the Cauvery, the focus now turns to whether Tamil Nadu’s realisation in the current water year (June 2022-May 2023) will exceed the 47-year high of around 455 thousand million cubic feet (tmc ft), which was recorded in 1975-76.  The pattern of flows, as registered then and now at Biligundlu on the […]

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Alert issued to people living along the banks of Cauvery in Erode

Alert issued to people living along the banks of Cauvery in Erode

People living near the banks at Nerinjipettai, Bhavani, Karungalpalayam and Kodumudi were alerted against the possible increase in discharge in the river, said the revenue officials People living near the banks at Nerinjipettai, Bhavani, Karungalpalayam and Kodumudi were alerted against the possible increase in discharge in the river, said the revenue officials As the water […]

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