IIT-Bombay best in India, Chinese universities dominate QS Asia university rankings 2023

IIT-Bombay best in India, Chinese universities dominate QS Asia university rankings 2023

A total of 118 Indian universities have figured in the QS Asia University rankings yet again this year. Five Indian Institutes of Technology along with IISc and Delhi University have entered the prestigious group of the top 100 institutes in Asia. IIT-Bombay has improved its position from last year’s 42nd to 40th rank this year […]

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JOSAA Counselling: From choosing the best IIT to deciding the right engineering branch; IIT professor answers questions

JOSAA Counselling: From choosing the best IIT to deciding the right engineering branch; IIT professor answers questions

From which IIT to join, to which branch to choose – successful candidates of the JEE (Advanced) exam, whose results will be announced on Sunday, would have multiple questions. Deepankar Choudhury, head of the department, Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay and the founding member of the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JOSAA), answered questions about the centralised […]

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IIT Madras tops engineering category; IIT Delhi follows: NIRF Rankings 2022

IIT Madras tops engineering category; IIT Delhi follows: NIRF Rankings 2022

The first five spots have remained the same this year too. IIT Delhi and IIT Bombay have bagged the second and third ranks, respectively. IIT Kanpur and IIT Kharagpur too retained their previous year’s rankings of fourth and fifth spot. In 2021, too, IIT Madras topped the list with a score of 90.19 and was […]

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