Massive, unusually compact, ‘one of a kind’ triple star system detected for the first time

Massive, unusually compact, ‘one of a kind’ triple star system detected for the first time

Earlier this year, scientists at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen announced the discovery of an unusual trio of stars. The system discovered by them consists of two stars that orbit one another and a third more massive star orbiting the pair. The research was published in the Royal Astronomical Society’s Monthly […]

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5 planets to align in order in June; here is how to spot them

5 planets to align in order in June; here is how to spot them

Stargazers across the world will be able to witness a rare celestial treat through the month of June, according to Sky & Telescope. Just before the sun rises, five planets will align in the night sky in a rare conjunction. Mercury, Venus, Mars Jupiter and Saturn will stretch across the sky from low in the […]

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