Focus on training and empowering health workers and other field staff in tribal belts
Focus on training and empowering health workers and other field staff in tribal belts
The Health department will strengthen the health interventions in the tribal areas of Attappady by training and empowering the health workers and other field staff working with the health sub centres in the tribal belt.
Improved skill training and empowerment of health workers were important for the comprehensive health and development of Attappady region, Health Minister Veena George said.
The skill development and training programme would focus on empowering health workers to identify issues in their area of operation and to find local solutions through a coordinated effort.
All employees working alongside every sub centre in the tribal belt were being included in the training programme. The trainees would include health workers as well as ASHAs, tribal promoters, anganwadi workers, and ward members.
The first of the training programmes had begun at Attappady, wherein 450 persons including health workers and allied workers attached to the 28 sub centres as well as people’s representatives were being trained in skill development. In the first phase, 220 persons would be included in the training initiative.
The Health department intended to develop the best possible health infrastructure in the tribal belts, the Minister said. In Idukki district, the sole tribal panchayat in the State, eight permanent posts each had been created in the primary health centres of Edamalakkudy and Chattamunnar, and vacancies had been reported to the PSC, a statement issued by the Health Minister said.
A special intervention plan had been prepared for Attappady, and in order to improve the nutritional and health status of the mothers and children in Attappady, women’s groups had been formed in all 175 anganwadis .
Steps were also being taken to convert all 28 sub centres in Attappady as health and wellness centres and to improve the facilities in Kottathara tribal hospital, the statement said.