Spotlight on Pudhumai Penn

Spotlight on Pudhumai Penn

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Embracing change, yet staying true to one’s roots — a balanced duality that defines the pudhumai penn of Tamil Nadu — is being celebrated by the Tanishq Kondadum Pudhumai Penn campaign, launched in association with The Hindu. The three-phase campaign invites entries from the pudhumai penn in every home. If you know one you can nominate her. And if you think you are one yourself, share your story on the Tanishq website.

Among the entries received so far, there is the inspiring story of Selva Gomathi, a human rights activist who has emerged as a ray of hope for the women and children she empowers; Mahalakshmi who followed her heart and charted a new path, and Karpagam, a first-generation engineer who took every challenge in her stride. These women of Tamil Nadu are being celebrated for transforming lives and creating a positive impact on society.

During the second leg of the campaign, participants will be invited to Tanishq stores for a celebration. Then, in the third phase, the brand will amplify their stories and their voices. As this is not a contest, there will be no ranking and every story of achievement and struggle will be celebrated. Submissions can be made on the Tanishq website.

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