Actor Siddharth’s next is a multi-lingual film titled Chithha, helmed by SU Arun Kumar (of Pannaiyarum Padminiyum, Sethupathy fame). On the occasion of Siddharth’s 44th birthday, the project was announced with a first-look poster that was released by veteran actor Kamal Haasan, in whose next film, Indian 2, Siddarth is also a part of.
Siddharth’s home banner Etaki Entertainment, which is bankrolling Chithha, thanked Kamal in a press release and wrote, “Thank you to the Legend of Legends Dr Kamal Haasan for blessing our efforts and graciously agreeing to launch the Title and First Look of our film. We are forever in awe of him and in his debt.
The cast and crew of the film are set to be announced in the upcoming days. The banner has also stated that the film is currently in final stages of post production and that it will lock a release date in the near future.
Chithha is Etaki Entertainment’s fourth feature after Kaadhalil Sodhappuvadhu Yeppadi,Jil Junk Juk, and Aval, all starring Siddharth.