Students Federation of India (SFI) activists on Thursday allegedly ransacked and destroyed documents inside the scrutiny room of SN College, Kannur, after the nominations of two of their candidates for the college union elections were rejected following scrutiny.
It was the final day of filing nominations, and the scrutiny began at 3.30 p.m. The incident took place around 6.30 p.m. soon after the scrutiny was over. The nominations of the two candidates were rejected as they were found to be overaged.
However, it reportedly did not go well with SFI activists, and they allegedly barged into the scrutiny room and destroyed documents. They also reportedly locked the room with 24 faculty members inside.
Based on a complaint by returning officer Veena, cases were registered against three SFI activists.
A police team has been deployed on the campus, said District Police Chief R. Ilango.