Chief Justice of India-designate Uday Umesh Lalit believes the ratio of women judges has risen considerably in the 75 years of Independence as more women find a judicial career acceptable.
Justice Lalit, speaking to The Hindu on Sunday, said “the picture may change in the next 10 or 15 years. Today, we are completing 75 years of Independence, maybe when we complete 100 years, the ratio of women in judiciary would be completely different”.
Reacting to whether the retirement age of judges should be increased from 65 to 67, Justice Lalit said “We came here to the Bench because our predecessors retired at 65. So, it is inter-generational equity… This is for the lawmakers to decide”.
The CJI-designate said “virtual courts have opened new frontiers and smudged geographical boundaries”.
Justice Lalit said the collegium presided by Chief Justice of India N.V. Ramana, of which he is a part of, made 255 recommendations to High Courts in 11 months. “That is one-third of the entire strength of the High Courts”.