Rasputin, Aah Bella and Commandment please



Rasputin, Aah Bella and Commandment pleased when the horses were exercised here on Thursday (Nov. 10) morning.

Inner sand:

600m: San Salvatore (Nazil) 39. Moved freely. Giant Star (H.M. Akshay) 40. Easy. Ahren (Zameer), M’ssarrat (H. Gore) 41. Pair level.

800m: Golden Lioness (S.J. Sunil) 52, 600/38. Moved well. Alpine Star (rb), Michigan (M. Alam) 52, 600/39. They moved level freely. Sensibility (Ajinkya), Superlative (V. Jodha) 52, 600/39. Pair moved together freely. Cellini (Shelar) 55, 600/41. Moved fluently. Enlightened (P. Shinde) 49, 600/37. Slightly urged. Fortune Teller (Merchant) 56, 600/41. Easy.

1000m: Claudius (Chouhan), Emrys (C. Umesh) 1-12, 600/42. Pair easy.

1200m: Liam (Mosin) 1-22, 1000/1-6, 800/51, 600/39. Moved attractively. Rasputin (rb), Aah Bella (V. Bunde) 1-21, 1000/1-6, 800/51, 600/39. They moved neck and neck freely. Commandment (Mosin), Chieftain (A. Gaikwad) 1-22, 1000/1-6, 800/52, 600/39. Former strode out well and finished two lengths ahead.

Race track:

800m: 2/y/o New Dimension (S.J. Sunil), Silver Bells (H.M. Akshay) and My Treasure (Peter) 54, 600/38. First name was pick.

1000m: Mighty Wings (Nazil) 1-4, 800/49, 600/37. Moved well.

Gate practice — inner sand:

1000m: 2/y/o Dream Seller (Ajinkya), Harriet (V. Jodha) 1-10, 800/54, 600/41. Both were level. Generosity (Navnath), Nirvana (C. Umesh) 1-9, 800/54, 600/41. Former finished five lengths ahead.

Gate practice — race track:

1000m: Jet Typhoon (Merchant) 1-10, 800/52, 600/37. Jumped out awkwardly. Supreme Being (rb) 1-00, 800/47, 600/36. Responded well.


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