Power consumption shoots up



The soaring summer temperatures are triggering an increase in power consumption levels in the State.

The Kerala power system recorded a peak demand of 4,494 MW on March 14, a record for the State. The previous highest peak demand was 4,432 MW, recorded just the day before, which had overtaken the highest of 4,385 MW clocked on April 27, 2022.

Daily energy consumption has crossed the 90 million unit (MU)-mark with temperatures going up. Consumption from the grid stood at 90.22 MU on Monday and 92.04 MU on Tuesday. The highest consumption was recorded on April 28 last year, 92.88 MU.

The combined storage in the hydel dams of the KSEB is down to 50%, with water adequate to generate 20270.75 MU as on Tuesday. This is the lowest in recent years.

Nevertheless, the increase in electricity demand spurred by the summer heat, the festival and exam seasons notwithstanding, the KSEB is confident of negotiating the summer without imposing supply restrictions.

The KSEB has entered into short-term and power ‘banking’ deals to meet the increase in demand during the 2023 summer months, Electricity Minister K. Krishnankutty had informed the State assembly recently.


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