KWA officials must judiciously plan projects considering the problems associated with drinking water scarcity that the city is facing, Mayor M. Anilkumar said on Tuesday.
“Proactive solutions are needed since innumerable overhead water tanks built under the AMRUT project in the city remain empty for want of dedicated pipelines, it was noted during a scrutiny done by the Corporation. I apprised Minister for Water Resources Roshy Augustine about the issue,” he added.
On the acute water shortage in Maradu and West Kochi owing to all the three pumps at the KWA’s Maradu treatment plant being shut for repair, Mr. Anilkumar said the KWA was duty-bound to make alternative arrangements and distribute water in tankers. It must thus make available at least 30 mld (million litres a day) of the 60 mld shortage that people are facing. The Corporation was doing whatever was possible in this regard, he added.