OnePlus has launched its first India-only TWS product today, called the Nord Buds CE. The earbuds will go on sale on August 4, 12 PM at, OnePlus Store App,, OnePlus Experience stores and other offline partner stores. The OnePlus Nord Buds CE is priced at Rs 2299 and comes in two colour options: Misty Grey and Moonlight white. The company had previously launched the OnePlus Nord Buds in April 2022.
OnePlus Nord Buds CE: Features
The Nord Buds CE come with 13.4mm titanium dynamic drivers and also ensure a more powerful bass as well as an immersive experience, claims the company. The buds feature a closed-tube design. These earbuds come with four equaliser modes: as well. These modes are Bass, Serenade, Balanced and Gentle.
OnePlus claims that the battery life will last up to 4.5 hours with the buds and 20 hours with the charging case. The case supports fast charging as well. OnePlus claims that 10 minutes of charging will give 81 minutes of listening time.
The Nord Buds CE are equipped with Bluetooth 5.2 and have ultra-low latency as low as 94 ms, according to OnePlus. They also come with a special Game Mode for gaming scenarios, which can be switched automatically with three taps on the headset, making the game picture and sound perfectly synchronised.
The Nord Buds CE also come with the OnePlus Fast Pair feature for OnePlus smartphone users, while other Android users can download the HeyMelody app to dive into the OnePlus audio experience. TheNord Buds CE Buds are IPX4 rated against water and sweat.
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