Learn copperplate calligraphy in Kochi

Learn copperplate calligraphy in Kochi

Life Style

Did the artistic lettering on the card catch your eye? Welcome to the world of Copperplate Calligraphy. An elegant writing technique, written with a pen holder and ink,  it is often used to write formal invitations, place cards, menu cards, wedding cards and letters. It has made a huge comeback the world over as there in an increasing demand for all things hand-written, handmade and personalised. 

Diya Mathew, a practitioner and teacher started learning copperplate calligraphy during the lockdown. She founded Backwater Calligraphy in August 2020 and began teaching informally. Diya will be holding a workshop on four days in June where she will teach the techniques of this stylised form of writing.

“The best teachers in the world are mostly based in the USA and they switched to online during the pandemic. I got a chance to learn the art then,” says Diya adding that the class will take students through the gamut of techniques starting with introduction to pen holder and nib till tools to practise on one’s own. Diya has been getting orders to do personalised projects from across the country.

The course will be held at Amalgam House, Bristow Road, Willingdon island, from 10.30am to 1 pm on June 21, 23, 28 and 30. The fee, ₹ 6,999 includes a full kit comprising a workbook, pen holder, ink and other accessories. Refreshments will be served in each session. Contact: 9895395700 or DM @backwatercalligraphy on Instagram 

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