Lawyers, police clash at Attingal

Lawyers, police clash at Attingal


Tension prevailed outside the Attingal police station on Thursday when a group of lawyers clashed with the police following a dispute.

The faceoff followed a visit by advocate Mithun Madhusoodanan, a member of the Attingal Bar Association, to the police station to seek information regarding a case. However, he was allegedly abused by an officer who was on guard duty. Soon, the advocate was joined by the office-bearers of the bar association and they organised a protest in front of the police station.

The agitation turned unruly after a Circle Inspector, Prathapachandran, allegedly roughed up some of the protesters. With the situation threatening to escalate, senior police officers rushed to the scene and assured the protesters of action. The police, however, accused the lawyers of sparking the incident.

The Thiruvananthapuram Bar Association registered strong protest at the incident. Association president Anayara Shaji and secretary Prijice Fasil said lawyers would abstain from appearing in courts in the district on Friday in protest against the incident.

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