Indian films like the Oscar-shortlisted Last Film Show ( Chhello Show) and Rima Das’s acclaimed Village Rockstars will be screened at the inaugural edition of the Nirvana – Festival de la Culture et du Cinema Indiens in France, reports state.
The festival, set to take place in Saint-Tropez between May 26 and 28, will spotlight facets of Indian cinema and culture. Shubhashish Bhutiani’s Hotel Salvation ( Mukti Bhawan, 2016) and Rajat Kapoor’s RK/RKAY (2022) will also be screened at the festival, along with the director’s cut of Ketan Mehta’s The Rising: Ballad of Mangal Pandey (2005). Filmmakers Sundaram Tagore, Deepa Sahi, Surina Narula and Sanjay Bhutiani will participate in a roundtable discussion at the festival, the reports said.
The Nirvana festival will also include culinary exhibitions, performances, a yoga session and a book launch.