K-TET to be held twice a year instead of three

K-TET to be held twice a year instead of three


The State government has issued an order that the Kerala-Teachers Eligibility Test (K-TET) that is to be held three times a year will now be held only twice.

The General Education department has amended the order issued in this connection on April 24, 2018. K-TET will also be applicable for appointments to special schools for differently abled children in government and aided sectors.

For this, the Director of General Education has to hold discussions with the State Council of Educational Research and Training Director and the Exam Commissioner on creating a fifth category in K-TET and submit a report.

The order also provides a last chance for teachers appointed from June 2012 and yet to pass K-TET to clear a special examination to be held in June. Exemption allowed earlier to teachers yet to pass K-TET will now be available till the June examination. The service of those who do not qualify this test will not be regularised.

Probation and increment of those who qualify K-TET during the exemption period should be considered as per the Kerala Education Rules.

Those who do not qualify K-TET during the exemption and appointed to part-time posts in government and aided schools will not be allowed full-time benefit. Teachers appointed after June 2, 2012, and who do not have K-TET qualification will not be promoted.

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