JoSAA Counselling 2022: Should I study civil engineering? An IIT professor explains

JoSAA Counselling 2022: Should I study civil engineering? An IIT professor explains


During a recent interactive session organised by IIT Bombay this month, Professor DN Singh listed the advantages of studying civil engineering over other branches at an IIT. Here’s what the veteran IIT Bombay professor said:

Why Civil Engineering 

In 1982, I had asked my counsellor why I should choose civil engineering at IIT Kanpur over other branches.

I can tell you from my experience that I am doing pretty well compared to my batchmates. I am satisfied. I can enjoy my life and motivate others. I am part of most (academic) activities in the state and country. My research activities have been recognised, and I am the ‘Chair Professor for Innovation’ at IIT Bombay.

Confusion is a good state of mind, so remain confused throughout your life. That’s the best thing humans can do. For those who don’t find civil engineering appealing, I would suggest that you follow the website of Institution of Civil Engineers or ICE headquartered in London. I am a fellow of this organisation. You should also listen to the ICE president’s address recorded over the years.

I’m suggesting this because I want you to discard the mindset that engineers today (of different branches) operated in silos. It’s not like civil, mechanical, electrical, aeronautical, work in isolation from one another. There are plenty of examples where a civil engineer has contributed greatly to aeronautical engineering. There are two subjects in civil engineering, which are common to many branches including mechanical, chemical, aerospace engineering, and material sciences.

The civil engineering profession requires the engineer to see something that is invisible to the naked eye. Think of a piece of land where a residential complex has to be developed, or a shopping complex has to be developed, dams and airports have to be developed. Do you think common men can do this? I doubt it. It requires a vision. It requires a vision to realise that today this is a barren land and tomorrow I’m going to create a tower here, which is going to be a vertical campus.

Please watch the recorded message of the President of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Mr Sanjay Pant of the BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) has given a talk in the month of July about the opportunities in the civil engineering profession, please listen to it as well.

Future prospects

Civil engineers are strategic thinkers, they can be strategic financial thinkers also because it has a deep relationship with finance and economics. This comes once you have realised how your thoughts should be implemented, for the betterment of the society.

Most civil engineers are leaders because they lead an entire team. When Ram Setu was made, there was a leader who created it. If you are constructing a building, or a seaport, or commercial space, you can’t do it alone. You need a team of 20,000 people. Imagine how many companies, financial and administrative institutions you have to interact with.

Common men cannot do this. If you think you are uncommon, welcome to the club. If you are very good in your academics, be it physics, chemistry, mathematics, IT, computer science, you will find civil engineering fascinating.

You will be able to apply what you learn every day. That’s what I do sitting in my laboratory. If you look at our publication records, we solve the most advanced problems of society like carbon capture, utilisation and storage. It is based on simple physics, chemistry, geology and so on.

Sustainability is the main focus of civil engineers, how to give back to the earth whatever you have taken. This is the main philosophy.

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