The Apple iPhone 14, the base model of the latest iPhone 14 series, starts at Rs 79,900 in India, which is much more expensive than the price of the phone in many other regions. However, discounts for the device have already started arriving, even though the phone launched less than two months ago this year.
The device still starts at Rs 79,900 JioMart, the Jio’s own shopping platform. However, buyers using an HDFC Bank Credit Card will get a 5 per cent cashback up to Rs 5000 on purchases. This includes both EMI and non-EMI transactions. This addition can bring the price down to up to Rs 74,900.
Users may also get additional discounts. A report by Mint suggests that the iPhone 14 may also get a Rs 2,000 price drop along with the Rs 5,000 cashback offer.The report mentions that this may be an offline-only offer, so you may not be able to find it on the JioMart app.
However, if you wish to buy online, you can still make use of the HDFC cashback offer. Simply download the JioMart app, log in and find the iPhone 14 in the colour you want in a store near you.
iPhone 14: Specifications
The iPhone 14 comes with a 6.1-inch XDR OLED screen. It comes in midnight, starlight, blue, purple and Product (Red) colours. The phone is powered by Apple’s A15 Bionic chipset and comes with iOS 16.
There is a 12MP dual camera on the back of the phone and a 12MP TrueDepth front camera. The phone supports 5G, WiFi 6 and Bluetooth 5.3. While the phone does support eSIM, the India variant of the iPhone 14 also comes with a physical SIM slot.
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