Of the top 37 coal producing mines, as many as 24 produced more than 100%, while the output of five mines stood between 80 and 100%. CIL accounts for over 80% of domestic coal output.
| Photo Credit: N. Rajesh
India’s thermal power generation registered a growth of 16.28% to 87,687 MU (million units) in November this year as compared to 75,412 MU generated in the corresponding month of previous fiscal.
The overall generation of power in the country also increased by 14.63% from 1,02,968 MU to 1,18,029 MU in the reporting month year-on-year.
Power utilities’ despatch went up by 3.55% to 62.34 million tonnes (MT) during November this year as compared to 60.20 MT in the year-ago month, the Coal Ministry said in a statement.
Meanwhile, the country’s total coal output went up by 11.66% to 75.87 MT last month over 67.94 MT in November last fiscal.
As per the latest figures of the Coal Ministry, Coal India Ltd. (CIL) clocked a production growth of 12.82% during November, whereas the output of Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) and captive mines/others registered a growth of 7.84% and 6.87%, respectively.
Of the top 37 coal producing mines, as many as 24 produced more than 100%, while the output of five mines stood between 80 and 100%. CIL accounts for over 80% of domestic coal output.