Incentive of ₹5 per litre of milk for dairy farmers under TRCMPU

Incentive of ₹5 per litre of milk for dairy farmers under TRCMPU


The Trivandrum Regional Cooperative Milk Producers Union (TRCMPU) of Milma has decided to give a special incentive of ₹5 per litre of milk collected from dairy farmers above the daily average quantum procured from them by the milk cooperative societies in the region from October 1 to 20. The decision was taken by the TRCMPU Administrative Committee.

In a statement here on Thursday, TRCMPU Administrative Committee convener N. Bhasurangan urged the dairy farmers affiliated to the societies in the region to utilise the benefit to the maximum.

Dairy farmers affiliated to Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Pathanamthitta and Alappuzha will benefit from the decision.

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